A memorial gift is a special way to honor the memory of a loved one by giving hope to children with severe heart disease.  There are a couple of options available to you and your family to leave a legacy of HOPE.

Memorial Check

In lieu of flowers, you can include the following details in your loved one's obituary.

All checks should be made payable to Morning Star Foundation.  In the Memo portion of the check write "In memory of" and include your loved one's name.
Send all checks to:

Morning Star Foundation
P.O. Box 3026
Burleson, TX  76097

Personalized Memorial Webpage

If it is easier for you, we would like to offer a personalized webpage in memory of your loved one.  Send us your photos and content, and we will have a special memorial page to honor your loved one.  Online giving is available with this option.

Next Step

1. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss ways to honor your loved one.

2. Share with your family and friends so they can give in honor of your loved one.